Thursday, June 24, 2010

Competency #5: LibraryThing Tag Cloud

LibraryThing tags: archival science (3) archival studies (7) archives (59) archiving (2) archivist (2) graduate school (1) guide (1) history (2) information science (3) information studies (2) introduction (2) libraries (1) library (6) library and information science (1) library education (1) library science (18) lis (4) management (1) manuscripts (13) mlis (2) museums (1) non-fiction (19) preservation (2) professional (2) record (2) reference (8) saa (6) society of american archivists (3) textbook (7) theory (3).

LibraryThing link :

I chose Understanding Archives & Manuscripts by James M. O'Toole. It shows examples of archival science and is intended for graduate school students. This texts explains preservation, archiving, and special techniques for students planning on becoming an archivist. I found this book by looking under different books with the tags "archives" and "libraries". The title popped out and I instantly thought it would be helpful.

On the right side bar, I have included a tag cloud for the entries of this blog.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Competency #4: RSS Feed of The National Archives

The National Archives supplies a RSS feed that informations readers about the archival science at their research facilities. Each posting shows relevant information about archives that relate to today. I chose this RSS feed because it is helpful for librarians and library science students that are also interested in special and research libraries. This RSS feed was found through The National Archives website. The RSS feed can be found under The National Archives News.

Competency #3: Podcast of The National Archives

The National Archives podcasts allows experts in many different fields such as British history to share their knowledge as it relates to the kept archives. This particular podcast talks about controversial files that are wanted by terrorists that are interested in these information files. In this podcast talks about information that has disappeared from the United Kingdom's national memory by extremists.

"Highlights of Security Service files released at The National Archives"
This podcast can be listened to here.
This podcast was found through PodcastDirectory.

This podcast is beneficial for students and librarians that are pursuing archival science in research libraries because it regards the safety of files from others. Most archivists provide the safety of special archives by preservation. Depending on the files that archivists hold may interest those who wish to steal them.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Competency #2: Related Blog: Hagley Archives

Hagley Library and Archives blog displays the information and exhibits at the Hagley Museum in Delaware. The library shows different pieces from their special archives on their blogspot. One post describes an exhibit entitled "Beer and Brewing History at Hagley"; it showcases historical materials that were once held at breweries in Delaware and Pennsylvania. From the blog:

"Americans continued to prefer English-style ales until the 1840s when German immigrants introduced lager beer. Fermented using a different type of yeast, lager beer is light and effervescent, a marked contrast to heavy, malty ales. Lager beer was swiftly embraced by American beer drinkers, and by 1875, there were nearly 3,000 American breweries producing over 8.7 million barrels of beer annually. Philadelphia had been a major brewing center since before the Revolutionary War, and the number of breweries in the city continued to increase; in 1890, Philadelphia was home to 91 breweries, many of which were located in the Brewerytown section of the city."

"The Joseph Stoeckle Brewing Company operated Wilmington, Delaware's Diamond State Brewery from 1872 to 1955. The brewery, which was once the city's largest, was demolished in 1962 to make way for Interstate 95 through Wilmington."

Hagley Library and Archive blog is beneficial for library science students that are seeking information about archival science. This blog provides the latest findings and exhibits that is both interesting and educational.

This Hagley Library and Archive blog was found with GoogleBlog.
This Hagley Library and Archive blog post can be found here.
This Hagley Library and Archive blog can be found here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Competency #1: Blogging Purpose

Archive Arcadia is a graduate assignment for an Information Storage and Retrieval Systems course implemented to further the understanding and discovery of online information. In particular, this blog is specifically relating to archival science within the walls of special and research libraries.

It's intended use is purely academic and shares information pertaining to research library archival science for encouraged viewers. Archival science is explored by collection, handling, retrieving, and preserving the use of special documents.